Monday 22 February 2016

Colours of 'ate

This young man was an artist, a talented one
Shades and hues, in his mind, had always run
But the colours had been fading of late
Pity the lad, a victim of cruel games of 'ate
Fresh as yesterday, were the memories of that red
He stood frozen in his tracks as his mother bled
He trembled at the mention of the blazing fire
That'd burnt his hand while lighting his father's pyre
However much he tried, he couldn't forget that night
That night when his brother had come, body draped in white

He craved for the colours to come back in his life
He yearned for a way to escape this strife
'Is this what I am destined to be? Is this what I wanted to be?'
Thinking thus, he drove to the bridge over the sea
Hardly for a minute, he stood there without a clue
The next day, his body was fished out of the blue
A tragic artist in him is what all of us see
Not the perfect murderer he wanted to be
Guard yourself against yourself, mate
For they have never been cool, those games of hate!

Friday 1 January 2016

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Humanity

The pen was sought to be besieged à Paris
But the world responded with je suis Charlie
Undeterred, people fought for liberty of expression
In 2016, may acceptance triumph over aggression 

Love it was that made us and it was love that saved us
Thank God for Luxembourg and Ireland and SCOTUS
Who broke down prejudices on love and sexuality
In 2016, let us do our to bit towards ensuring equality

April last, Nepal trembled under a mighty quake
That left innumerable deaths and destruction in its wake
These countless helping hands that helped tide over the calamity
In 2016, let us renew our pledge to fraternity and humanity

Three events that deeply touched countless lives
Three events which showed us that humanity thrives
Make a resolution, this year and every year thereafter
To spread joy and happiness, love and laughter